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Somaliland: Democracy taking root

29 novembre, 2012
Est. Reading: 1 minute
Photo credit: Robert Berglund for Interpeace

Yesterday was a historic day for Somalilanders. Following relatively peaceful parliamentary elections in 2005 and presidential elections in 2010, this year’s local councilor elections were yet another important step towards consolidating democracy in the Somali Region. Preliminary reports from international observers suggest that yesterday’s elections were free and fair. Interpeace congratulates the people of Somaliland for coming out to vote in what appear to be record numbers.

Yesterday’s elections not only determine local councilors but also decide the three political parties that will compete for parliamentary and presidential elections. Interpeace celebrates the homegrown democracy that Somaliland embraced in its local councilor elections yesterday, demonstrating once again that democratic practices are alive and well in the Horn of Africa.

Interpeace is proud to be the technical advisor of the Somaliland National Electoral Commission (NEC) and congratulates the commission on their effective running of local council elections yesterday.